Raphe Pharmaceutique Skin tag remover Liquid Laser Resurfacing Gel is a cosmetics ingredient that could be used as is or in creating skin tag products. The formula created using this ingredient may be used for skin tags, warts, moles, scars, sun, tags, or used as a skin peel product for sun-damaged skin, for skin damaged by hydroquinone, or steroids, and other products containing mercury.
It is a proprietary blend liquid laser solution of hydrogen peroxide, glycolic acid, and acetyl polyphenol. 50% to 70% may be used in formulations for resistant scar tissues, deposits on the cartilage tissues, hands, feet, knuckles, elbows, heel, and knees,
This product has a skin-softening effect, which lifts the dead damaged epidermal skin cells, melanin deposits in moles, and skin tags that have not responded to other products. Will soften and lifts calluses around the heels, elbows, and joints.
This product is an ingredient and could be used as is. Created for professional use only. For at-home use on sensitive skin, add 10% of distilled water or glycerin to the Liquid laser solution, plus 2oz to 3oz of olive oil to a mixer container. Mix well before applying to the desired area or use as directed by your healthcare professional. Follow the instructions on the label and use your discretion as well. Long skin contact is not required.
Ingredients: Pure water, Hydrogen peroxide, Glycolic acid, Acetyl-phenol, Vegetable Glycerin, Copolymer thickener, Sorbic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Vitamin E, and Fragrance Oil.
Quantity: 2 of the 4oz sizes